26 June 2023
Pregnancy Workshops at Alphington Sports Medicine


Our Pregnancy Inmotion Workshops are designed to give you timely access and expert advice on a more personal level.


These supportive and educational workshops were created to assist you through the entirety of their pregnancy and postnatal period. 


This is a unique program in that it combines medical, physiotherapy, exercise and nutrition care for pregnant patients.   


Workshops are presented in 3 different session to support patients from pre-pregnancy to recovery and beyond. 


  • Session 1: Pregnancy Inmotion (0-25 weeks gestation)
    Learn about how your body changes through pregnancy and how to prevent or address aches and pains. Get the right advice about exercise and training to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy.

  • Session 2: Labour Inmotion (26-40 weeks gestation)
    Your body is wired for labour and birth, and you can help it work optimally. Learn how to tap into your natural resources with positioning, relaxation, massage, breathing and pain relief strategies. Birth partners are encouraged to attend this session so that they can learn how best to assist you during labour.

  • Session 3: Recovery Inmotion: (any time postnatal but will suit patients who are 3 months or less).
    Understand how and why your body has changed after having your baby. Gain knowledge about recovery after c-section or vaginal delivery, as well as advice on how to return to exercise and sport safely. (Babies and older children welcome)



Saturdays from 2-5pm
First three sessions 12 ,19 and 26 August



$180 per session or $450 for 3 sessions purchased as a package.
Note: Sessions can be claimed under private health insurance. 

Bookings are essential and the program is capped at 6 patients.
Please phone the Clinic on 9481 5744 to secure your place.



PDF icon Pregnancy Inmotion Workshops Flyer175.2 KB