30 June 2015

Listen to Dr David Bolzonello on SEN last week talking to Paul Coburn and Daniel Hartford about heart issues and emergency management on the sporting field.

( Click for full Audio ‘Fit and Well for half time’

 A Summary of this talk can be found below:

  • Exercise is good for the heart. Sport is good for the individual and the community. Young people do not need a medical check-up unless they are participating in high level elite talent programs (generally considered as more than 6 hours of structured training a week).

  • The benefits of exercise far outweigh risk of heart problems to an individual with no known risk factors as below.

  • However people, irrespective of age, to whom the following applies should see a Sport and Exercise Physician or experienced Sports Doctor for primary assessment and possibly referral to a specialist cardiologist to determine fitness to participate in competitive sport or intense exercise or training:

-Those who have a family history of sudden death  under the age of 50, heart conditions such as cardiomyopathy or heart electrical / rhythm conditions.

-Those who have the following symptoms when participating in exercise; dizziness or light headedness , fainting or collapse, unusual shortness of breath or tiredness, chest pain, neck, jaw or arm pain; palpitations of the heart or an irregular heart beat*, any other known heart condition or presence of a murmur.

-Adults who after a long period of inactivity plan to take up an exercise program and: