Dr Nathan Tso

Dr Nathan Tso is a Sports and Exercise Medicine Registrar currently undertaking his specialist training with the Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians. Despite having always been fascinated by sports from a young age, his calling as an athlete never came. Nathan graduated from Melbourne High School in 2012 and completed a Bachelor of Biomedicine with first class honours. He then graduated from a Doctor of Medicine at The University of Melbourne in 2019.

Dr Victoria Forsdick

Dr Victoria Forsdick undertook an Undergraduate Physiotherapy Degree before graduating from Medicine in 2014. She previously worked in paediatric surgery but could not ignore her love for sport and exercise medicine, having been a young athlete herself.

Dr Bryn Savill

Bryn graduated from his Medical Degree (Cardiff University, Wales, UK) in 2014 after completing a Sports Science degree (Loughborough University, England, UK). To further specialise, he then completed a Sports & Exercise Medicine Diploma whilst working in the hospital system in the UK, before coming over to Melbourne.

Dr Samantha May

Dr Samantha May is a Sport and Exercise Medicine Registrar who is undertaking specialist training under the Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Medicine. She has a passion for treating all musculoskeletal injuries and illnesses, whether it be recreational, elite, or work related. This includes providing advice on specific exercise programs tailored to each individual’s personal needs and limitations.

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